Avtaler inngått for 2019/2020

Gjeldende regler for grupper på Roda.

"Polarisbanene" 2019

Dear Captain,

I wanted to send an email informing you a little about our golf society procedures for 2019. 

Below please find our society rates for 2019:

High Season(Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Sept. Oct. Nov)at all 6 GNK Golf courses

€98 for two players sharing a buggy

€38 walking

Low Season(Jan. Jun. Jul. Aug. Dec.) at Saurines Golf, La Torre Golf, Hacienda Riquelme Golf and Alhama Signature

€82 for two players sharing a buggy

€36 walking

Green fees do not include the €3 daily license fee for non-Spanish Golf Federated players.

Golf Society rates only apply to groups of 12 players or more.

It’s important to note that again in 2019 the rates are for 2 players sharing a buggy.  If only one player is using a buggy the fee will be the respective walking rate plus our standard buggy fee of €32.  Therefore, I encourage societies to bring an even number of golfers.  The odd player of course can choose to walk and just pay the walking fee.  


Our benefits are the same as 2018.

20 players or more; the Captain plays for free.  This applies to a free green fee and buggy.  So the player sharing a buggy with the Captain will need to only pay the walking rate.

30 Players or more; the Captain and Vice-Captain will play for free.  These two players must share the same buggy.

40 players or more; the Captain, Vice-Captain and one more player will play for free.  In this instance 2 of these players must share the same buggy.  As above when only the Captain plays for free, a golfer sharing a buggy with the 3rd free golfer will only need to pay the walking rate.

If a golf society pre books 6 outings or more and 20 players or more play at each outing the golf society will receive 6 vouchers each worth 1 green fee(does not include a buggy) at their 6th outing.  From then on the golf society will receive 1 additional voucher at each outing as long as 20 players have played.

As last year, there will be penalties if a society does not show up to an outing without any previous notification or less than 12 players arrive on the day.  The green fee price for less than 12 players but with a minimum of 8 will be:

€120 for two players sharing a buggy and €45 walking in high season.

€100 for two players sharing a buggy and €43 walking in low season.

These fees will also apply to the societies next outing if for some reason the society does not show up to a reserved golf day.

If the society has less than 8 players then the green fees will be standard public rate.


All booking requests must be sent to myself at this email address.  You will promptly receive a confirmation.  A week before the day of play the respective pro shop will contact the Captain to reconfirm the booking, to also verify the number of players attending and the number of buggies required.  It would be much appreciated if, as the Captain, you do not believe you will need all the tee times reserved to please modify the number of players at this time, one week in advance.  48 hours before the day of play the Captain shall send a full list the names of all the players who will be playing on the day and the Spanish Golf Federation number of those players who are members of this federation.  Any changes in the number of players or number of buggies needed should be specified in this email.


If you have any questions please let me know.  If you can also please help me update your societies contact information for 2019.

Please respond to this email with the following information:

Name of Society

Captains Name(player to play free each outing)

Contact details for person in charge of bookings, modifications, players lists etc……

Phone Number of the person in charge of bookings


One more important note.  If the Captain we have on file is unable to play golf on a certain day please inform me in advance who the new acting Captain will be as I will have to inform the pro shop of this change.


All of us at GNK Golf appreciate your society choosing to play our courses and we hope 2019 will be a good year for all of us. 


Best regards,


Christopher Ahern 
Commercial Golf-PGA Professional

Mar Menor Golf Resort C/ Ceiba, s/n 
30700 Torre Pacheco, Murcia (Spain) 
M +34 626 346 853 | T +34 968 112 705 


Avtaler 2018

Marina Golf i Mojacar (Denne avtalen er utgått)

Avtalen er inngått 19. april 2017

Individuell pris: Greenfee 32 euro, buggy 25 euro
Gruppepris: Greenfee 28 euro, buggy 20 euro


Ny avtale Roda Golf 2018

Alle bestillinger skal gjøres til Josè på mob: +34 639 059 422, eller tlf +34 968 173 093










39 €

18 €

23 €

14 €


45 €

25 €

28 €

16 €


55 €

30 €

32 €

20 €


55 €

30 €

32 €

20 €


45 €

25 €

28 €

16 €


45 €

25 €

28 €

16 €


39 €

18 €

23 €

14 €


39 €

18 €

23 €

14 €


45 €

25 €

28 €

16 €


55 €

30 €

32 €

20 €


55 €

30 €

32 €

20 €


39 €

18 €

23 €

14 €

* Prices valid for individual bookings.


La Serena

1: Fast Greenfee på 35 euro gjennom hele året.

2: Buggy koster 10 euro i juni, juli, august og desember og 16 euro resten av året.

Mandag 13. februar 2017 det inngått denne avtalen med La Serena. Det er første gang som formann at jeg er blitt invitert til å komme med synspunkter på økte priser på green fee fra en golfbane. Alle de medlemmene i klubben vår som kom med tilbakemelding til meg, ønsket en fast pris. Jeg foreslo 34-35 euro til La Serena, og det ble 35 euro.

Ifølge clubmurcia.com har Greenfee økt mye i 2017. Vanlig pris ligger mye på 40-50 euro. Twilight 38-39 euro. 

Vi har fått en meget god avtale med La Serena, og jeg håper medlemmene vil bruke banen.



New Sierra

Greenfee: 15 euro for 9 hull, og 28 euro for 18 hull.
2 Greenfees m/buggy 70 euro.

New Sierra har nå i likhet med de andre golfbanene delt sesongen inn i lav- og høysesong. Ordinære priser på Greenfee er i dag 20 og 25 euro for 9 hull, og 35 og 40 euro for 18 hull.

Skandinavisk Golf skal fortsatt betale 15 euro for 9 hull, og bare 28 euro for 18 hull hele sesongen. 

Jeg har fått en klar melding fra New Sierra at de satser på oss i Skandinavisk Golf. Banen er stadig blitt bedre og servicen er god. Da er det bare opp til oss selv hvor mye vi vil bruke banen. Vi har fått en meget god avtale med New Sierra!



Mar Menor, Alhama, La Torre,Hacienda Riquelme,El Valle og Saurines

Høysesong: februar, mars, april, mai, september, oktober og november.
Greenfee: 42 euro, med buggy: 47 euro

Lavsesong: januar, juni, juli, august og desember.
Greenfee med buggy: 37 euro

NB! Det er bare Alhama, Saurines, La Torre og Hacienda Riquelme som har lavsesong.

For å oppnå disse prisene må vi være min. 12 spillere. Ved bestilling av 20 spillere eller flere får vi en gratis Greenfee, 30 spillere eller flere får vi to gratis Greenfee.


Ny avtale med Hacienda del Alamo - 2018

Avtalen som Skandinavisk Golf har med Hacienda del Alamo gjelder kun for grupper:

12-19 spillere er Greenfee 38 euro, og 47 euro m/buggy pluss en gratis Greenfee.

20 spillere eller flere er Greenfee 35 euro, og 42 euro m/buggy pluss to gratis Greenfee.

Twilight fra kl.13 eller kl. 14 koster 35 euro


Ny avtale med Torre Pacheco for 2018

Greenfee er 14 euro. Ved turneringer/golftreff for flere enn 15 spillere er Greenfee 12 euro. Forsikring 1,50 euro.


| Svar

Nyeste kommentarer

23.03 | 21:50

Hei. Torunn jacobsen mangler på denne lista. Hun spilte sammen med Monica

03.10 | 19:48

31,5 i HC. Ønsker buggy

25.09 | 21:47


25.09 | 21:46

Det er mulig det